Q & A with Ashley Kiely, Founder and Owner of AKL

On Letting Go, Her Favorite Podcasts And The Art Of Simplifying

Minimalist tableware

What are you letting go of in 2024?

My lens is always changing and ever evolving. This year, I'm letting go of the voice that tells me I need to buy the latest and greatest clothing to be stylish and show my professionalism. I'm letting go of the voice that tells me all items need to be bought new. I've been on a thrifting kick lately and I'm LOVING it. Not only for the price tag but the environment! I'm bringing generosity into my space this year by gifting, repurposing, or consigning items that we no longer need. 

These are the questions I’m asking myself, so I can clear out the clutter and really simplify in 2024.

  1. Do I have multiple items that serve the same purpose? If so, can I narrow it down to one?

  2. Do I really NEED this item to get through my day-to-day schedule or life? 

  3. Is this an item that is rarely used, didn’t cost a lot and can be purchased or replaced when and if it’s ever needed again? (This is about those once-a-year or less items.)

  4. Does this item align with my current goals, lifestyle, and where I want to be heading? An old pair of pants that are five sizes too small does not need to be kept as a constant reminder of what used to be. 

  5. Is my child overwhelmed or overstimulated by the amount of items or toys in the house? Reality: Most of them rarely get played with or touched.

Do you have any organizing projects of your own?

OMG, yes. A big one is our garage. For the last three years, I’ve used our home garage as our AKL warehouse and storage facility. It gets out of hand REALLY quickly. Our plan is to be in this house for a while longer, so we’ve decided to invest in a garage makeover. The goal is to leave space for my family’s stuff AND all the AKL things, but with way more functionality and beauty :) Stay tuned. 

What’s one way you’re simplifying at AKL?

We’re purchasing with intention. Because we are small and growing quickly, more and more tools and supplies are needed to do our job efficiently, like tile saws and tables for organizing. In the past, we’ve always purchased things as cheaply as we can in order to get by. Now, we need items that can last and do the work WELL. So, it’s about purchasing through the lens of quality investment and multifunctionality. This is a good focus to have for any home items, too. Kitchen gadgets are a great example. I promise you don’t need 15 cutting boards in different sizes, shapes, and colors.

Where do you turn when you need a little personal and professional inspiration?

Podcasts! I listen to them all the time. Here are some of my favorites.

  • The Minimalists Podcast: Hosted by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, it delves into various aspects of minimalism, living with less, decluttering, and finding meaning in life beyond material possessions. 

  • The Simple Sophisticate: Hosted by Shannon Ables, it focuses on living a refined life. She talks about lifestyle, home, personal style, and finding contentment through simplicity and everyday luxuries.

  • Optimal Living Daily: Hosted by Justin Malik, it curates and narrates blog posts and articles from authors sharing insights on simplifying life and fostering personal growth, mindfulness, minimalism, and productivity. 

  • Slow Your Home: Hosted by Brooke McAlary, this podcast explores the concept of intentional living, mindfulness, decluttering, and embracing a slower, more purposeful approach to life.

  • The Mindful Minimalist: Hosted by Sarah DeGeorge, this podcast explores decluttering techniques, intentional living, and cultivating mindfulness practices to find balance and fulfillment.

How do you help clients simplify their homes?

Typically, by the time clients get to hiring us, they've realized they are unable to create a space of calm for themselves. Most are overwhelmed, don't know where to start, and want help simplifying their space and their daily routines. We start with asking questions: What is it about your current space or lifestyle that’s creating chaos? Is it too much stuff? Is it not enough storage? Is it the wrong storage solutions and no systems in place? The answers to these questions help guide our team. A lot of it comes back to shopping habits and learning to LIVE with LESS. If you can do that and you are ready for that, then you’ll be able to simplify your space and live a less cluttered (and chaotic) day-to-day life. 

What do you see as the benefit of simplifying?

Oh gosh! SO SO MUCH! A clutter-free environment can contribute to a calmer and more peaceful mindset. With fewer possessions, there's less to organize, clean, and worry about, leading to reduced stress levels and a clearer mind. A minimalist lifestyle also encourages focus on what truly matters. By eliminating distractions caused by excess possessions, you can concentrate better on your goals, work, or hobbies, leading to increased productivity. 

Simplifying has financial benefits, too. Living minimally often means spending consciously on essential items, saving money, and avoiding debt accumulation. And with fewer belongings to manage, you'll spend less time cleaning, organizing, and maintaining your space. This grants you more free time to pursue activities you love, spend time with loved ones, or invest in personal development. Removing physical clutter can also clear mental clutter, allowing for improved creativity, better decision-making, and a deeper focus on personal growth.

I could go on and on about how simplifying encourages more meaningful relationships with people instead of things; how living minimally means consuming less which helps the environment; how having less stuff makes it easier to relocate or travel; and how embracing minimalism often leads to a deeper appreciation for the things that hold genuine value in life.


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